Q : Who can add a story?
A : Anyone can share a story about the Port Credit Memorial Arena. We welcome stories from the Community - past and present.
Q : What can I talk about?
A : We want to hear true stories about the Arena. To help you out, here are a few questions to get you started….
Q : What are the technical restrictions for posting images?
A : We welcome story submissions with a photo. There are some technical restrictions:
Photos must be a maximum of 5MB in size and saved in one of the following formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, and BMP.
Q : Why is my story or comment not posted as soon as I send it?
A : At the City of Mississauga Recreation and Parks, we want to create an on-line Port Credit Memorial Arena community scrapbook full of favorite memories and stories about the Arena in a positive and welcoming environment. That’s why all stories are screened by a moderator to keep out any inappropriate or abusive content. We encourage you to tell your stories in a way that’s positive, encouraging, and fun for everyone. If your story is accepted, it will be posted as soon as possible. And if your story isn’t accepted the first time, you’ll be able to edit and re-submit it.
Q : When will my story be posted?
A : If your story is approved and your permission has been secured for us to post it, in most instances, it will be posted within 72 hours. You’ll receive a notice by email telling you your story will be posted. If it needs to be edited, you will receive it back and have a chance to resubmit.
Q : Why was my story and/or pictures not accepted?
A : There are a number of reasons why your story or pictures may not be accepted. Stories or pictures containing inappropriate language or content will not be posted. All pictures taken of people must have everyone in the picture’s consent before we can post them. You are required to download a PDF photography release form and complete it (pictures of children under the age of 12 must have parents complete the form including all family names, first and last on the form.) Once completed, you may fax it to us at 905-615-3469 attention Cammie LaCoste or mail it to 201 City Centre Drive, Suite 900, Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4 attention: Cammie LaCoste. Your email address must be included on your completed photography release form in order to match your picture with your permission.