Project Milestones & Events
The Sheridan Mississauga campus is well underway. Please refer to the following dates to find out about completed and projected milestones:
Projected Milestones
February 2011
Detailed Scholars' Green Park design completed
Spring 2011
North parking lot completed
June 2011
Square One Drive construction completed
June 2011
Roundabout at Duke of York Blvd. & Square One Dr. completed
August 2011
South parking lot construction completed
September 2011
Scholars' Green Park open to the public
Completed Milestones
November 2010
North parking lot substantially completed
September 2010
Square One Dr. Environmental Assessment concluded
August 2010
Building permit issued
June 2010
Site plan approved
April 2010
Servicing agreement approved by Council
March 2010
Conditional building permit issued
December 2009
Ground breaking
October 2009
Lease Agreement approved by Council
September 2009
Resolution to proceed with land purchase adopted by Council
Your input is important. Future public information sessions or meeting dates will be posted on this page to keep you informed about opportunities to speak with staff and learn more.