Mississauga Library System

Local Archives:
NURSING HOME FIRE - JULY 14, 1980 (Extendicare Nursing Home, 55 Queensway West, Mississauga)

  1. 21 elderly die in fire, Toronto Star, July 15/1980
  2. 15 killed in fire at home for aged, Globe and Mail, July 15/1980
  3. Why did 21 seniors die? Mississauga Times, July 16/1980
  4. Worst fire in the city's history kills 21, Mississauga News, July 16/1980
  5. Periodical clippings - Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, July 16/1980
  6. Periodical clippings - Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, July 17/1980
  7. Inspecting in public, Globe and Mail, July 18/1980
  8. Periodical clippings - Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, July 19/1980
  9. Periodical clippings - Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, July 22/1980
  10. Fire hits Extendicare, Financial Times, July 21/1980
  11. Periodical clippings, Mississauga Times, Toronto Star, July 23/1980
  12. Grim tour points out horror of 23 deaths, Toronto Star, July 26/1980
  13. Fire victims await word on home, Toronto Star, July 29/1980
  14. 2 articles, Globe and Mail, July 29/1980
  15. Periodical clippings, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Mississauga Times, July 30/1980
  16. 2 articles, Toronto Star, Mississauga Times, August 6/1980
  17. Inquest into the death of William Johnston, et al, Extendicare Nursing Home Fire - July 14th, 1980, from: Agenda General Committee, city of Mississauga, March 6/1981
  18. Periodical clippings
  19. From: Agenda general Committee, September 17, 1980 (#33 - Report... regarding sprinkle system installations in hospitals, nursing homes... )
  20. Inquest into the deaths occurring at the Extendicare Nursing Home... , from: Agenda General Committee, December 3/1980
  21. Nursing Homes: Everybody's Nightmare, Maclean's, July 28/1980